1-502-339-1999 | louisvilleeast@theprintrefineryky.com
Preserving your family history

Negative Scanning

Inherited a ton of slides and don't know what to do with them?

No problem! Bring them in and we'll create modern, digital files from them that can be enjoyed all over again. Your originals never leave our lab, so you can rest easy that they're in good hands. Ready to dig in to your project? Let's go!

How It Works:

35mm negatives are considered standard. All other sizes are considered non-standard and additional charges apply. Negatives are scanned with an air cleaning process and in rare instances we may use an anti-static cleaning cloth to remove finger prints. Lint, dust and scratches are common on sleeved negatives and unless they can be removed with the air cleaning process we do not remove these imperfections as part of the capture process. 35mm negative scans are approximately 4496×3000 pixels in size, which can render print sizes between 12x18 and 16x24. Upgrade options with higher resolution scans are available upon request.

How to prepare your negatives for scanning:

A good rule: if you bring in a physical mess, you will get back a digital mess.

  • Bring them to us in the order you'd like them scanned with proper notes. We do not charge extra for this service.
  • If you have sleeved negatives, we will scan the entire strip unless you mark frames to skip.
  • Do not mark the sleeve - use a removable postit flag to indicate which frames to skip.
  • Each frame is considered to be one scan.
  • Never adhere anything directly to the negative, on either side, as the adhesive will show in the scan.
  • We check all negatives for the proper orientation and emulsion before scanning, so you do not need to worry about this in the preparation stage.
Sizing Guide:

COPRYRIGHT NOTE– Our policy is to make every effort possible to protect the rights of professional photographers. Work that is clearly copyrighted will not be scanned without the written permission of the photographer/creator.

Keeping your memories safe + local.

The Print Refinery® has been professionally preserving memories for over 20 years.
Using a trusted local expert is the safest way to digitize home movies & photos.

Using a trusted local expert is the safest way to digitize home movies & photos.
Therefore, all digitizing services are completed inside our Louisville, KY facility.